Russell A. Hunter, PsyD
Jan 3, 2020
Skin Picking Disorder (Excoriation)
Successful treatment of skin picking disorder involves a combination of medication and therapy such as cognitive behavior therapy. Many peop

Russell A. Hunter, PsyD
Dec 31, 2019
How To Deal With Test Anxiety
You can learn to deal with test anxiety and overcome the fear of failure.

Russell A. Hunter, PsyD
Oct 11, 2019
How to Overcome The Fear of Public Speaking
To overcome the fear of public speaking, also known as Glossophobia and stage fright, you will:
1. Begin before the speech by monitoring you

Russell A. Hunter, PsyD
Oct 7, 2019
How to Overcome Social Anxiety
How to overcome and deal with social anxiety. 9 ways to deal with and beat social anxiety. Number 7 will surprise you.

Russell A. Hunter, PsyD
Oct 2, 2019
What Does A Panic Attack Feel Like
What does a Panic Attack Feel Like or look like. A panic attack can feel like you are going to go crazy or lose your mind.